google rest api

Figure 1: Google Fit REST API. The Google Fit REST API enables you to store and access user data in the fitness store from apps on any platform. The REST API provides resources and methods to: Create, obtain, list, and modify data sources. A data source r

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  • Figure 1: Google Fit REST API. The Google Fit REST API enables you to store and access use...
    REST API | Google Fit | Google Developers ...
  • Authenticating to the API Translating Text Discovering Supported Languages Detecting Langu...
    Translating Text | Google Cloud Translation API Documentatio ...
  • The Google+ API is the programming interface to Google+. You can use the API to integrate ...
    Google+ API | Google+ Platform for Web | Google Developers ...
  • I think the REST API is a fantastic step for Hazelcast. I have been using the distributed ...
    REST API - Google Groups
  • Google Cloud Platform lets you build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and servic...
    Google Cloud Platform
  • This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data ...
    API Reference | App Engine Documentation | Google Cloud Plat ...
  • More than one year after Google discontinued the SOAP Search API, it finally got a proper ...
    Google Search REST API - Google Operating System (Unofficial ...
  • API是銜接雲端服務的必要利器,更是新生代IT人必學的一門課程。如何悠遊在Google的眾多API中,結合Node.js在RESTful API存取上的彈性,讓網站服務得以更快速的...
    【JSDC客座文章】第一次接觸Google API就上手 | iThome
  • The web developers helper program to create and test custom HTTP requests.
    Advanced REST client - Chrome Web Store
  • The XML response follows the format of REST API's. You will get a HTTP 200 response to...
    RESTful APIs - WebPagetest Documentation - Google Sites ...